Wang Di



My name is Wang Di(/wɑŋ˧˥ ti˧˥/)(頔).

I am a prospective Ph.D. student in the EECS Department at UC Berkeley advised by Prof Jaijeet Roychowdhury. My research interests are in hardware accelerator design, both digital and analog approaches.

I have earned my bachelor degree at Nanyang Technological University, Singapore in the Electrical & Electronic Engineering department. My specialization was Integrated Circuit Design. I did some IC-design related stuffs at NTU too, including designs regarding CNN accelerator(my FYP project), DAC and LNA(my course projects).

I worked in MediaTek, Singapore in 2022, focusing on logic synthesis of APU/GPU. During summer break in 2023, I worked in IME, A*STAR in the field of cryogenic temperature sensor design for quantum computers.

Aside from IC design research, I was the system administrator and hardware manager at NTUHPC from 2022 to 2023. I joined ISC22(online) and SC22(onsite). Configuring HPC servers is so much fun.

In my free time, I enjoy playing the piano, reading, travelling and driving.